
International Yoshinkan Aikido Federation (IYAF)

In 1990 Gozo Shioda Sensei implemented the International Yoshinkan Aikido Federation (IYAF) (Aiki News 1990 #85), the International Instructors Course, the Aikido Yoshinkan International quarterly magazine, and the provision of instructional videotapes (Quest) and book (Aiki News). Through these initiatives Gozo Shioda Sensei hoped to help more directly to cultivate the worldwide development and understanding in Aikido.__On creating the IYAF, Shioda Sensei's official title became "Soke", which translates as founder and father. Soke Shioda passed away on July 17, 1994. His position and title have been assumed by his son, Yasuhiza Shioda who is the new Soke of the Yoshinkan.